
Weight Watchers Week 3

Well I am happy to report that I lost again this week! I am on a losing streak! (Hahahahaha! Oh gosh, I crack myself up.) So Weight Watchers Week 3 was a success and here are some specific things I did to work the plan and prepare for a great week next week!

Weight Watchers Week 3

What Went Well:

1. . I got in  15 activity points this week! New record! Last week I hit the gym as follows:

Thursday: Upper Body strength workout from HIIT It (<<affiliate link) by Fitnessista

Friday: Off

Saturday: Lower Body strength workout from HIIT It by Fitnessista

Sunday: Run/Walk for 30 minutes

Monday: Upper body workout from HIIT It by Fitnessista plus bowling with friends

Tuesday: 20 Minute Turbojam (oldie but goodie!)

drink your agua!

2. Drank so much water. I actually didn’t drink the gallon I set out to…that was just too much water. I was drowning. So I settled for 3 of my quart mason jars for approximately 100 ounces of water a day. Go me!

3. I tracked everyday no matter what and tried to track as I went instead of sitting down hours later and trying to remember.

WW approved healthy lunch

4. I left 20 of my weekly points plus allowance “in the bank”. I often wonder how much people use or leave in “the bank” each week and how that plays into their success. So I thought I would write it down each week so I can look back on my progress with that in mind.

Goals for Next Week:

1.  Continue drinking water at 3 quarts a day.

2. Switch to doing full body strength workouts 2-3 times a week; aim for 15+ activity points and 5 days of activity.

3. Be honest, as always, in my tracking.

Trouble Spots This Week:


Layla’s birthday party! It is going to be a cookie and hot chocolate bar so my goal is to give all the leftovers away. Otherwise I think I’ll be so busy at the party that food will be the least of my worries. #thiskidisintoeverything Keep your eyes peeled for some fun recipes from the party too! Also, isn’t this baby the cutest?! After getting all the frosting off the cake she just picked the whole thing up and started stuffing it in her mouth. Having a kid is awesome! She cracks me up!

I’ve had a few compliments on my new design scheme..so thanks! It has truly been a labor of love to switch over to a new look and I’m still working on getting stuff organized so bear with me a little bit, there’s only so much time when the bebe is not awake.

My new logo and header is custom hand-lettered by my friend Tony. You can check out more of his amazing work on Instagram and his online portfolio on his website as well.  He’s super-talented. Here is an awesome college photo of us together with our friends Cassie and Chris. We had gotten stuck in a rain storm and the guys ran with us back to our dorm (so chivalrous!) and we asked a random stranger to snap a pic.

college friends

Ah, those were carefree days. This picture always makes me smile! And yes, while everyone else was wearing sweatpants to college we were loooking good in skirts and ties.

Do you set weekly goals for yourself? If so, what’s a goal you have for yourself this week? 

If you strength train do you train total body or lower/upper splits or push/pull? I don’t think there is a wrong way to do it, I’m just curious!

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  1. I have had some weekly points left each week, but would like to get to the point where I only use them for something special that I’ve planned and not just because I’ve overdone it by eating too many points on a given day. Also, I try to never use my exercise points. I want those points to count toward pure weight loss, and not food consumption. And great job on the water!! I am going to put some quarts in the frig and really work on that this next week.

    1. The first week I used the least and lost the most so there is (obviously) a connection. I don’t eat my exercise points either! I worked hard for those!

  2. Congrats on the losing streak!! The birthday party will be a roughy, but maybe you can make a healthy dessert for yourself to enjoy while everyone else has the cookies. And if you can’t give the leftovers away, just throw ’em out!

    1. Thanks Nicole! I’m pretty sure I will have plenty of places to pass the cookies too! We have a couple college age guys that live near us and they always welcome our leftovers with open arms!

  3. Like Nicole said above about the birthday party- I ALWAYS get rid of any leftovers. I give them away or end up tossing them (unless it’s a healthy food- then I keep it obviously 🙂 But the cake? Yea that’s gotta go EVEN if it’s a “healthier” one haha!).

    1. I don’t even like cake that much, but I did send away her leftover cake last week and then when a bit came back I ended up throwing it out. It’s always better to not have the temptation around.

    1. Thanks! It has been something that has worked well for me in the past, hopefully I can get this baby weight knocked off!

  4. Good for you! I have been a Weight Watcher for years and I believe tracking as you go is KEY! I have just started using the app myself instead of paper tracking, just for a change. Keep up the great work. I never lose on weeks I use all my WAPs.

    1. Isn’t that interesting….even though they SAY you should eat all your extras and activity and lose. Hmp. As long as I know what I’m working with, it’s cool. 🙂

    1. I know…then I stalked like everyone’s college pictures! AND I noticed that you were my first and last Artist Series date. #truelove

        1. He has like prolific photos of our sophomore year and then no pictures. Haha! You should take a vacation to a family camp in Michigan with your men this summer!! 😀 😀 😀 Or we should come to SC for spring break!

  5. wow way to go! 5 lbs! I have been stuck at a plateau ugh. Though I haven’t been tracking as diligently as I should so I need to really get better with tracking. I am this close to just getting the paid version of WW! lol

  6. Great job!! Proud of you. Regarding strength training… I primarily do FULL body training because that is what works for me. I don’t have time to spend every day working a specific body part. 🙂

  7. I’m not much of a weekly goal setter as I am a monthly one. But I try not to set too many goals or it can be overwhelming. For example: this past month, I set a goal to work hard on my push-ups to try and do at least unassisted one. Next month, I’m going to focus on pistol squats and getting the form down and try to do them on a lower elevation than this month.

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